Clutter Chronicles
This podcast series is an ongoing conversation with Mary, who calls herself a recovering hoarder. She is willing to share her up-til-now very private life in an effort to be helpful to others, may they be packrats, someone who loves a hoarder or those who just want to understand something that's mystifying to them. We go step by step through the muck, the stuck places, the victories. We don't know when and if she will recover from her "unusual relationship with stuff." Come along with me and cheer Mary on as she does the very hard work of healing. Will she ever let me into her home? Stay tuned.
Clutter Chronicles
50: Charity is the Antidote to Hoarding
Lori Koppelman
Season 1
Episode 50
Mary starts getting us caught up on the progress she’s been making over the past four months, packing up her car and getting rid of loads and loads of stuff.